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Artists A-F

Click on an image to jump to a specific artist's work.

Paul Abrams Marcio Abreu Ron Adrian
Brian Douglas Ahern Dick Ayers Mark Bagley
Darryl Banks Carlo Barberi Charles Barnett
Jason Baroody Eddy Barrows Dante Bastianoni
Adriano Batista Terry Beatty David Michael Beck
Diego Bernard Al Bigley Mark Bloodworth
Shane Bollin Mitch Breitweiser Norm Breyfogle
Frank Brunner John Buscema Buzz
John Byrne Ross Campbell Leno Carvalho
Ernie Chan Gene Colan Chris Cross
Mike DeCarlo Michael Dooney Evan Driscoll
Ben Dunn Rich Ellis Kelly Everaert
Jay Fife Jason Flowers Fraim Brothers

The Human Torch and all other characters on this site are copyright © Marvel Entertainment Group.